Monday, June 20, 2005

Ok, so the last post I added talked about going after the cute little kitten. We caught the kitten. I bought him food, a littler box, toys, and a bed. He lived in my house for several days until I couldn't take waking up and coming home from work to an utterly disgusting mess every day. We moved him onto Beth's porch with his entourage of belongings, where he played in the plants and with our dogs through the rest of that week very happily...and then he ran away, never to be seen or heard from again. For our troubles Beth and I both received horrendous cases of poison ivy which covered our legs and arms for nearly 3 weeks. We both had to go on steroids to clear up the rashes which turned us into bloated monsters with eye-gouging tendencies. And now, nearly a month after attempting to give the kitty a better life, we are just returning back to normal with nothing gained except for some icky pink scars. The moral: some things are better left alone. Especially cute little kitties.


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