Friday, May 20, 2005

Today is not going well. It started with me dropping my diamond necklace down my bathroom sink right before I walked out of the door to go to work. So, in a panic attack, I then decided it would be a wonderful idea to break the sink stopper in order to attempt and see the diamond, which, if you have ever done this you would know that it is impossible to see, or reach, using this method. So ultimately, I had to play plumber and disassemble the pipes from underneath the sink. (Yes, I was smart enough to turn the water off first.) I retrieved the diamond and reassembled the sink, amazingly without any further problems.

Then on the way to work, I spilled my coffee. Twice. I now have the equivalent of 2 cups of sugared up coffee seeping into my seats as the car sits in the sun and bakes for the next 6 hours. Yum. That's going to smell great later this afternoon. And I have a headache because I haven't had my caffiene fix. Fantastic. Maybe I should consider a new addiction. Like smoking. I hear that's great for you.

But, on the bright side it's Friday, which means no office tomorrow...but I do have 2 events this weekend. Maybe I'll boycott them. :) Long live the freedom of choice!

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

So here we go again...I haven't been to this site in over a year, and after reading all of my previous posts, I ask myself: What in the hell happened in the last 2 years that has caused me to lose my insightfullness??? How have I strayed so far from my own path that I look back on my posting from 2 years ago and think, Wow. I really had some stuff figured out back then...? Have I really allowed myself to get so caught up in the little, crappy, day-to-day, work related, relationship related messiness that I have forgotten how I want to live life? The answer is yes. And unfortunately I believe that is what happens to all of the poor, beat down, conformed souls that we see in most of the working population. We lose luster for life. We allow ourselves to forget about all of the dreams and ideas that churned through our heads in our more carefree times and begin to get too involved in the daily grind. Excuse my language...but what the F***? No more of this. I will not compromise who I hope to be in order to live a "normal" life. My happiness will come from greater things- from better things.

Going back to an older post... "sometimes I may seem to wander, to falter, and to not go as fast as the others, but I WILL know what life is about."