Wednesday, May 25, 2005

So all evening yesterday, while sitting on the porch and drinking wine, my neighbor Beth and I kept hearing these pathetic meowing sounds coming from the bushes across the parking lot. At 10:30pm we decided to go investigate. After inspecting the bushes and realizing that we can't see through the tangles of what is probably poison ivy and some very painful looking prickly brush, I go up to my apartment and grab my flashlight.

Back at the bush, with 2 very curious dogs running around us, we discover a skinny little grey kitten hiding, terrified. So being the girls that we are, a rescue mission was devised. After many attempts at catching the kitty around the edge of the brush, I dive right in. I was wearing shorts, a tank top, flip flops, and no gloves. Very intelligent. We tried everything. Even tuna. The cat was impossible to catch.

After keeping at this for over 1.5 hours, the kitty gets freaked out enough to run out from its brush cover and underneath a car. Progress. However, after some inspection, we realize that the kitty is no just under the car, but has climbed up into the engine. So now, not only have we failed to save the cat, but in the morning he is going to explode when the owner turns on the car. (Of course any sane person would realize that the kitty was going to climb down and go on his merry way as soon as we left him alone.) After a few more attempts and lots of human meowing, Beth and I decide it is time to just let it go.

I went home and immediately jumped in the shower to attempt and soap off any poison ivy. I tried to push the cute, little, helpless, skinny, adorable grey kitten out of my mind, but I couldn't. It wasn't just about saving the kitty now, it was about accomplishing a mission. I grabbed my dog's pet carrier, a bowl of milk, and some more tuna.

The kitty was still under the car when I returned to the parking lot (I knew this from all of the pathetic meowing sounds) so I set up shop. I waited and waited and waited for that cat to come out from the car and climb in the cage to eat, but he never did. At 1:30am, I went to bed, sure that I was going to wake up with poison ivy in the morning.

Luckily, after waking up and inspecting myself, I only ended up with a few scratches. No poison ivy rash :) But I am really tired....